Sunday 14 July 2013

Edward Snowden’s Joke of the Day

The power of modern mass media is truly astonishing. They can swing worldwide public opinion at their will, like a pendulum that does their bidding, often against all reason and against all logic. The other day I showed you (here in this article) how they made us all applaud first the defeat of the Egyptian Army, and then the triumph of the Egyptian Army, in almost seamless succession. Which makes a fine example of their sway over our defenceless minds.

But there is of course much more of this sort of soft, velvet demagogy going on. So much more, in fact, that I often wonder if Alfred B Mittington is the only person left on earth who still thinks clearly, independently and courageously. Wanna take the test? Come, take the test with me! Read the following burning questions, give us an honest answer, and you’ll be surprised to what extent you yourself have been brainwashed. Here goes:

I dislike people who work for the CIA                                               Agree / Disagree

Nobody should take an oath of loyalty to a spy agency                     Agree / Disagree

Any man who breaks his word of honour is loathsome                      Agree / Disagree

Edward Snowden is a hero                                                                  Agree / Disagree

See what I mean? I have no doubt that each one of you enlightened folks and friends-of-mine who answered the first three questions honestly gave me in answer a threesome of resounding ‘Agree’s’. And yet each one of us – pushed by the modern mass media, who adore and revere and applaud the fellow – also feels the urge to agree with the last statement, which (must I point it out?) is at complete and utter loggerheads with the previous ones.

For young mister Snowden DID hire himself out to the CIA, dear reader. He DID sign a contract with them of his own free will; he accepted their money; he took a formal oath of loyalty; and he broke that oath when he thought that treason was the more admirable course of action... As if he did not know beforehand whom he was going to work for and was awfully shocked to learn what we all already knew for the last twenty years: that the intelligence agencies of all modern states are spying on us wherever and whenever they get the chance, making fine use of all those digital gadgets we love to use without thinking!

Deeply disappointed at the doings of his own government, Mr Snowden is now saying that he was only an honest and innocent patriot who did not know what he was getting into. I don’t believe a word of it. Was he really that dumb? Does the CIA really hire people who are so incredibly stupid? Ay, if only! For in that case we’d have nothing to fear from the American spy agencies! They must be packed with dunces!

Unfortunately that is not the case, and we do have a massive problem. But it is not a problem that will be solved by second-rate whistle-blowers and their obsolete, passé revelations…

Benedict Arnold's Oath of Loyalty...

Is Mr Snowden a hero? Does he deserve the Noble Peace Prize (no less!) and a statue next to that of Mandela, Ghandi, King and Christ? Well, I do not think so. Rather than a hero, I think young Mr Snowdon is a loser; a poor fellow who saw his chance at some fame of the Wikileaks variety; who does not understand how ephemeral such stardom is; who does not see that the only support he receives comes from notorious anti-American adversaries, who will love him only as long as they can use him against his motherland; and who does not seem to grasp either that after the first media sensation of his revelations has faded (today’s Man Bites Dog and Tree in Cat), he is looking at 30 years in jail, or 50 years of running and hiding, without anybody caring one iota for his fate or his destiny no more (not even you, dear reader, who now feels his blood boil at Alfred B Mittington’s scandalous innuendo…)

How do I know he is so very silly? Why: because of the most recent joke he’s pulled on us! He, the grand champion of Constitutional Freedoms, the Robin Hood of Civic Rights and Legality, the Thermopylae of People Power against the Oppressive State… he goes and asks political asylum in Russia, of all unlikely places on the globe!!!!

Oh, of course I fully agree with Mr Snowden’s choice! Yes I do! For Mr Putin’s Russia is an example to us all! It is a fully functioning democracy that would never spy on own citizens, or the nationals of foreign countries. It is a state of law that would never trample human rights and constitutional privileges under the boots of its secret services and spy agencies. It has always observed the strictest legality in its dealings with the individual, and of course it never ever cracked down on, or misbehaved towards, its own native whistle-blowers… (just scan this here article quickly).

That then is the regime Mr Snowden runs to, for friendship and protection in his fight against State Oppression…!

Mr Snowden is a laugh and a parody of himself, who makes Benedict Arnold stand out as a sensible man. 


  1. Benedict Arnold was both brave & intelligent. Despite his battle successes, he was passed over for promotion by the Continental Congress while other officers claimed credit for some of his accomplishments. Opponents in military and political circles brought charges of corruption or other malfeasance, but most often he was acquitted in formal inquiries. Congress investigated his accounts and found he was indebted to Congress after spending much of his own money on the war effort. Frustrated and bitter, Arnold decided to change sides in 1779.

    As you know, history is written by the victors & thus, his name is blacked.

    Canadian historians have treated Arnold as a relatively minor figure. His difficult time in New Brunswick led historians to summarize it as full of "controversy, resentment, and legal entanglements", and that he was disliked by both Americans and Loyalists.

    The historian Barry Wilson points out that Arnold's descendants ended up establishing deep roots in the country, becoming leading settlers not just in Upper Canada, but later in lands further west, where they established settlements in Saskatchewan. His descendants, most of all those of John Sage, who adopted the Arnold surname, are spread across Canada.

    His long woollen British scarlet military jacket with a buff lining continues to be owned by descendants; as of 2001, it was held in Saskatchewan. It has reportedly been passed in each generation to the eldest male of the family.

    He is buried here:




  2. Dear Perry,

    Thank you for elaborating. Of course, I was merely looking for an eloquent parallel, and hit upon the stereotype belief around Benedict Arnold as the easiest illustration.

    Yours, ABM
