Tuesday 8 May 2012

NEWSREEL: Spanish Practice

One more cup of poison for the road…

The Spanish government has just announced that it will bail out the tottering financial behemoth known as Bankia with a stunning 10 billion Euros of public money. The only condition is that the CEO who presided over the unhinging of the balance sheet step down. This gentleman happens to be Rodrigo Rato, one of Grand Old Men of the PP conservative party, which at present governs Spain.

The sourest irony is surely the number. It so happens that 10 billion Euros is the exact same sum which the same Spanish government is cutting from education and the health care system… A necessary little adjustment for the good of the country and the trust of Brussels and the Financial Markets…

A demagogue might say that children and the sick are being bled so that our plutocrat friends may receive a blood transfusion…  

The trouble is that it needs no demagogue for an agonizing populace to arrive at that idea…

How ANYBODY imagines that you can continue with this sort of heartless, cynical policy without mayor revolts breaking out, beats an old man like me. How truly imbecile can our European leadership be? Even Louis XVI understood more of mass psychology! Even Marie Antoinette was a better economist!


I had barely posted the above, when the below appeared on Facebook:

No translation needed, I suppose...


  1. Alas, the health of the economy and the happiness of 'our plutocrat friends' are now almost indistinguishable. But if the Bankia bailout had strings attached, were it restructured so it became a social bank, that might be the beginning of a different story...

  2. Dear Storvaxt,

    I agree. Unfortunately, the grand majority of citizens are barely aware what kind of Armageddon would be ushered in by a failure of the banking system. They perceive this merely in moral term: evil bankers sucking the blood of innocent citizens with the help of pliable politicians. Consequently, if pushed hard enough, they'll be out in the street screaming for revenge and looting shops. You can guess the rest.

    Is a more populace-friendly financial system really possible? Ay, I wish I could share your idealism!

    All the best to you, meanwhile. Yours, ABM
